This is an app that allows you to learn the 337 ancient Japanese words published in ``Look@337 Ancient Japanese Words to Remember with Illustrations and Scenes and ``Expanded Edition published by Keiryusha, a publisher specializing in Japanese language and literature. To help you study efficiently, we have organized words by their importance and the situations in which each word is used. [Function 1] Word card modeYou can memorize the meanings of ancient Japanese words along with illustrations and catchphrases. [Function 2] Test modeWe will ask you a 4-choice question that asks you the meaning of the words in the example sentences.By registering the words you made mistakes in "My Vocabulary", you can review them later. [Function 3] My wordbook modeYou can review all the words you registered in the "Vocabulary Card" and the words you got wrong in the "Test" all at once. [Function 4] Ask questions by specifying the page of the bookThe range of words that are displayed and asked on "Vocabulary Cards" and "Tests"You can also specify the number of pages in the book version of ``Look@Kobun Vocabulary 337 to Learn with Illustrations and Scenes and ``Expanded Edition.You can use it to study for exams and check your learning progress. [Function 5] Attainment level by part of speechYou can record the words you answered correctly in the "Test" and check how many words you remember overall.